Donald Mayne reports on a First Presidency discussion to determine whether the son of Harriet Church could receive the priesthood.
Donald Mayne, "My Great-Great Grandmother was a slave," Memories, Harriet Elnora Burchard (KWJ6-Z9G), FamilySearch, accessed January 19, 2022
The next event happened in 1900. Thomas & Harriet’s son, John Taylor Church received his Patriarchal Blessing in Oasis, Millard, Utah on February 12, 1900, under the hands of Patriarch John Ashman. He was told that he was of the lineage of Ephraim and would receive the priesthood and fulfill a mission. Since his mother was a known mulatto, the case was brought, via their Stake President Ira Hinckley, before President Lorenzo Snow, and the Quorum of the Twelve on March 1, 1900 to decide whether to allow John to receive the priesthood and serve a mission.
The following are from the First Presidency Minutes of Thursday, March 1, 1900:
Presidents [Lorenzo] Snow, [George Q.] Cannon and [Joseph F.] Smith were at the office. At 11 o'clock the Twelve Apostles met with the Presidency at the office. There were present: Presidents Snow, Cannon and Smith, Elders Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, John W. Taylor, Anthon H. Lund and Abraham O[wen]. Woodruff….
A communication from President Ira Hinckley setting forth that a man in Oasis named Church, had received his patriarchal blessing in which he was told that he was of the lineage of Ephraim and that he should have the priesthood and go on a mission. But it is believed and so understood that he inherits some negro blood in him through his mother, and many questions were being asked about the right of this party to hold the Priesthood, some holding that he might do so provided the white blood predominates.
I do not know if John received the Priesthood at this time. The minutes do not give any final conclusions. However, Harriet was endowed & sealed to Thomas on 08 April 1903 in the Salt Lake Temple. Mary Ann Church, was endowed in 1879, Robert Robins Church in 1901, Harriet Gertrude Church in 1904, Arizona Church (my Great-Great Grandmother) in 1909, & John Taylor Church in 1952.