Jane Manning James receives a patriarchal blessing from John Smith in 1889.
Quincy D. Newell, Your Sister in the Gospel: The Life of Jane Manning James, a Nineteenth-Century Black Mormon (New York City, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019), 141
John Smith, Patriarchal Blessing of Jane Elizabeth James, October 10, 1889, LDS Church History Library, Salt Lake City. Reprinted courtesy of Louis Duffy.
No. 914 Salt Lake City Oct 10th 1889
A Blessing given by John Smith Patriarch upon the head of Jane Elizabeth James, daughter of Isaac and Fillis Manning born in Wilton Fairfield County Connecticut May 11th 1821.
Sister Jane Elizabeth James, as thou hast desired it I place my hands upon thy head to pronounce and Seal a blessing upon thee, And I ask God the Eternal Father for His spirit to indite thy blessing and fill thee with the influence thereof and I Say unto thee be of good faith and of good cheer hold sacred thy covenants for the Lord has heard thy petitions, He knowest the secrets of thy heart, He has witnessed thy trials and although thy life has been somewhat checkered His hand has been over thee for good and thou shalt verily receive thy reward. Thy life has been preserved for a wise purpose, Therefore continue as thou hast in the past to put thy trust in him whose right it is to give and the peacefull influence of the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon thee and give thee peace of mind, strength of body and make thee Equal unto every task and thy days and years shall be prolonged until thou art satisfied Therefore let thy heart be comforted, look always upon the bright side for better days await thee, Thou shalt complete thy mission, and receive thine inheritance among the Saints, and thy name shall be handed down to posterity in honorable remembrance, Therefore suffer not thyself to be bowed down in Spirit, but in the future, as it was in thy youth be cheerfull, in thy deportment and listen to the whisperings of the Spirit, and thou shalt not lack for food raiment or shelter and no one shall be turned from thy door hungry and for thy kindness Many shall bless thee in thine old age and as a Mother in Israel thou shalt be known among the people, Therefore again I say unto thee be comforted for all shall be well with thee both here and hereafter, This with thy former blessings I seal upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ and I seal thee up unto Eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection Even so Amen,