Amasa Lyman uses the term "negro baboon."
Amasa Lyman, "Salvation—Men Are Damned By Their Misdeeds—Truth—Comprehensiveness of “Mormonism,'" Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: George Q. Cannon, 1861), 3:173
Still he says, he is independent. If he is, let him live alone; and when he has lived alone six months, he will be apt to come to his senses, if he has bread enough to keep him until then. At the end of that time he would be wishing for the society of the negro baboon, or anything at all like the human form. He would hunger and thirst for an association with his fellow being; he would find himself wretched without it, and he would exclaim like Nebuchadnezzar in the bitterness of his soul, “God is great and good."