Orson Pratt argues that Jesus was a polygamist.

Oct 1853
Orson Pratt

Orson Pratt, "Celestial Marriage," The Seer 1, no. 10 (October 1853), 159

The Seer
Orson Pratt
Reading Public

Next let us enquire whether there are any intimations in Scripture' concerning the wives of Jesus. We have already, in the 9th No. of this volume, spoken of the endless increase of Christ's government. Now, we have no reason to suppose that this increase would continue, unless through the laws of generation, whereby Jesus, like His Father, should become the Father of spirits; and, in order to become the Father of spirits, or, as Isaiah says, "The Everlasting Father," it is necessary that He should have one or more wives by whom lie could multiply His seed, not for any limited period of time, but forever and ever: thus He truly would he a Father everlasting, according to the name which was to be given Him. The Evangelists do not particularly speak of the marriage of Jesus; but this is not to be wondered at, for St. John says: "There are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written." (John 21:25.) One thing is certain, that there were several holy women that greatly loved Jesus — such as Mary, and Martha her sister, and Mary Magdalene; and Jesus greatly loved them, and associated with them much; and when He arose from the dead, instead of first showing Himself to His chosen witnesses, the Apostles, He appeared first to these women, or at least to one of them — namely, Mary Magdalene. Now, it would be very natural for a husband in the resurrection to appear first to his own dear wives, and afterwards show himself to his other friends. If all the acts of Jesus were written, we no doubt should learn that these beloved women were his wives. Indeed, the Psalmist, David, prophesies in particular concerning the Wives of the Son of God.

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