Willard Richards says that John Young is a "martyr" because he died because of his afflictions in Missouri.
"History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839],", 64, The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed April 8, 2022
<john young sr died> <12> Satuday 12. they, left father Drapers & pursu[e]d their jou[r]ney towa[r]ds Terre, Haute. This day, Presidint Brigham Young’s father, John Young Sen, died at Quin[c]y Adams Co. Ill. He was in his 77[th] year & a Soldier of the Revolution. He was also a firm <x> (T&S. 111) <the> early part of this year. He died a martyr to his religion the religion of Jesus, for his death was caused by his suff[er]ings in that evel [evil] perscutin [persecution].