William Clayton reports on Orson Spencer teaching Adam being God using Genesis and the Book of Moses, and Orson Pratt challenges this teaching, denying that Adam had a resurrected body in Eden.

Oct 3, 1852
Personal Journal / Diary
William Clayton

William Clayton, Journal, October 3, 1852, in An Intimate Chronicle: The Journals of William Clayton, ed. George D. Smith (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1995), 433-34

Signature Books
Brigham Young, William Clayton, Orson Spencer, Orson Pratt, Orson Hyde
Reading Public

[October 3, 1852. Sunday.] Morning foggy and very chilly, but about 10 o'clock it cleared off fine and pleasant, and the brethren were called together for public worship. The chaplain Orson Spencer addressed the meeting for an hour and a half on the doctrine of our father Adam coming to this earth in the morning of creation with a resurrected body &c. He read extracts from the New translation of the 1st and 2nd Chapters of the Book of Genesis, and the Prophecy of Enoch to maintain his position. He was listened to with great attention. He was followed by Elder Orson Pratt on the same subject, who read more copiously from the above mentioned works, followed by deep and reasonable remarks. He takes the literal reading of the scriptures for his guide, and maintains that God took the dust of the earth and moulded a body into which he put the spirit of man just as we have generally understood from the scriptures; while Brother Spencer endeavors to substantiate the position taken by President Young viz. that Adam came to this earth with a resurrected body, and became mortal by eating the fruits of the earth which was earthy. The subject was finally left in much difficulty and obscurity as it has been from the beginning. The Brethren are evidently getting tired of arguing on a subject in regards to which so little is known, or satisfaction desired; and on which there is so great a difference of opinion. Elder Pratt advised the Brethren to pray to God for a knowledge of the true principles and it appears evident that when ever the question is decided, it will have to be by revelation from God.

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