George Q. Cannon tells J. Floyd King Church's views on "inferior races."

Feb 1, 1881
Personal Journal / Diary
George Q. Cannon

George Q. Cannon, Journal, February 1, 1881, Church Historians Press, accessed May 15, 2021

George Q. Cannon, J. Floyd King

I had a remarkable conversation to-day with Hon. J. Floyd King of Louisiana, whose father [blank] of Georgia, was a man of talent and note, being very wealthy withal. He asked me our belief respecting intermarriage with inferior races, particularly the negro. I told him our views, with which he was delighted. He said such views would cause thousands to rally around us. He himself would fight for us, rather than we should be injured. He predicted great things for us in the future; that we believed in procreation and in preserving the purity of the dominant or pure Aryan race. He said that was the law of Moses. We would have a line of States yet in the Mountains that would be very strong. He related a conversation he had had with an intimate friend of his, Preston Johnson, a son of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson, who in writing his Father’s life had written a chapter in which we were greatly misrepresented, in which he astonished Johnson by telling his views concerning us; he based his views respecting our future upon the idea that he had got from some quarter that we were opposed to miscegenation, and he told him he was going to ask me about it. He had been at a dinner with nearly a dozen Episcopal Bishops and he had greatly puzzled them by his questions respecting the condition of the races in heaven. Among other things he asked them if there were negro angels. He had been a strong advocate of religious instruction, had spent some $4,000 in Sunday Schools, but had become disgusted with the attitude of the churches upon this important question. He said all the churches taught or consented to miscegenation, and he felt it would be the destruction of every people who practiced it; they ought to be killed according to the law of Moses as he viewed it."

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