Brigham teaches the Saints in the Southern Mission that Adam is the God and Father of Jesus; the sun and stars are inhabited and that "God" is a proper term to used for the leader in the "heaven of heavens."

May 14, 1876
Speech / Court Transcript
Brigham Young
Scribed Verbatim

Brigham Young, sermon delivered May 14, 1876, as recorded in James Godson Bleak, The Annals of the Southern Mission, May 14, 1876, 1876 (Book B continuation), 23-26, Annals of the Southern Utah Mission, circa 1903-1906, MS 318, Church History Library

James G. Bleak
Brigham Young, Brigham Young, Jr., Joseph Smith, Jr., Adam
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Sunday. May 14th Morning Session opened by prayer of Apostle Brigham Young, Junr.

President Brigham Young arose and said he wished to treat on the philosophy of our holy religion. “God being the author of all Truth, if I speak the truth, I speak the word of the Lord.” “Science may shake hands with my religion”. He said the Scriptures had been dissected and culled and but little of what was, remains now. Said, if we are not Christ-like, we are not Christians. The religion taught by Jesus is what we have received, and profess to carry out.

“First:--have we learned the character of him I believe in? His character seemed natural to Him. He took the divinity of the Father in mortality and sanctified that mortality. Who is the Father? The one that begot his Spirit, begot him in the womb of the Virgin Mary. The Christian world does not know this. It will not receive the Light that has come into the world, but chooses darkness rather than light. This disposition in them, is why they are constantly at war with us.”

He said: “Where is Heaven?” He said he had never seen the sectarian priest or preacher that could answer the question.

What are our conceptions of heaven? Even among us we shall find various definitions—happiness &c., &c. Shut the people only in the city and let them receive nothing but truth, throw error over the wall. Take truth, and it will sanctify until all are pure—their flesh is purified until they began to live on angel’s food, until all become pure and holy. See angel? Yes. The Son of Man comes and goes; the Father comes, by thus having overcome, and this having taken place here what place shall we call it? Why—Heaven, because that is the only appellation that we know. Is there in the heaven of heavens a Leader? Yes, and we cannot do without one and that being the case, whoever he is, may be called God.

Joseph said that Adam was our Father and God, and himself, being a leader, he too, was their God. If you could see this earth, it is like a mote to some other planets. What is in the sun? Can astronomers tell who lives there? No.

It is filled with the glory of the Gods. The fixed stars are glorified worlds, filled with beings who are passing through degrees of perfection; every one of those spheres is a glorified sun and has a Ruler,--God. This is simple to understand under the inspiration of God. A man or woman who lives strictly according [to] divine light, reflects the light, so that they eventually become a source of light. Jesus said some were so, but depart from the increasing power of this light and we become like the blind groping for the wall.

Every power for good in man is of God, is inside of our religion. A scientist said that science was coming in contact with religion; but it is not so. All true science is ours when it is fully understood. Our minds are limited.

He referred to the doctrine of plural marriage having been revealed from heaven. Men who desire to rule with a rod of iron oppose its practice man with one wife and one child received a promise because he was righteous, obedient to God’s word. Abraham to thy Seed there shall be no end. The children of Abraham are still increasing and are practically dictating the affairs of the world. I doubt not that Abraham was resurrected together with his wives at the resurrection of Our Savior, and that they, and many other righteous ones, are helping the Savior to complete the work which, when prepared, the Savior will present to His Father. Abraham, however, stays not his works, he begets spiritual beings and sends them to various worlds to continue the work, and there is no end to their creations; first spiritual, then temporal, and then spiritual. Sectarians know nothing about this principle, but it is the eternal course of the Gods. He concluded by invoking the blessing of the Lord to rest upon the people.

BHR Staff Commentary

Transcription taken from The Annals of the Southern Mission: A Record of the History of the Settlement of Southern Utah, ed. Aaron McArthur and Reid L. Neilson (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2019), 422-23

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