Stanley B. Kimball discusses the original Stock Ledger of the Kirtland Safety Society.

Academic / Technical Report
Stanley B. Kimball

Stanley B. Kimball, "Sources on the History of the Mormons on Ohio: 1830–1838," BYU Studies 11, no. 4 (Summer 1971): 531–32

BYU Studies
Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, Emma Hale Smith, Lorenzo Snow, Wilford Woodruff, Stanley B. Kimball, Vinson Knight, Joseph Smith, Jr., Erastus Snow, Heber C. Kimball, Parley P. Pratt
Reading Public

The Chicago Historical Society owns the original Stock Ledger (and Index to the ledger) of the Kirtland Safety Society, . . .This source has been little used, if at all, and throws much light on this complicated phase of Mormon history. . . . The following cursory analysis of this ledger reveals that the 200 individuals subscribed for various numbers of shares (from 3,000 to 5) with the face value of from $150,000 to $50 and paid for them in cash amounts varying from $4,887.00 paid in by Joseph Smith to $.52 by Alex Valier. The grand totals eloquently reveal the inherent weakness of the project—200 persons subscribed to 79,000 shares worth at face value approximately $3,854,000 at $50 par value per share which was paid for with only $20,725 in specie. Heber C. Kimball, for example, subscribed to $50,000 worth of shares for only $15 in cash. Other important Mormons paid in correspondingly small sums: Brigham Young, $7.00; Lorenzo Snow, $7.97; Wilford Woodruff, $5.25; Erastus Snow, $5.25. A few others, however, were able to come up with larger amounts: Parley P. Pratt, $102.00; Hyrum Smith,$169.00; Vinson Knight, $262.00; Emma Smith, $315.00; Joseph Smith, Sr., $323.00; and W. J. Peterson, $785.00.

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