Minutes of April 4, 1860 meeting between Orson Pratt and other Church leaders.

Apr 4, 1860
Meeting Minutes / Notes
Brigham Young

April 4, 1860, Minutes of Meeting at Historian’s Office, Church History Library

Thomas Bullock
Brigham Young, Ezra T. Benson, Wilford Woodruff, Thomas Bullock, Edward Hunter, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, George A. Smith, Joseph Smith, Jr., Orson Hyde, Franklin D. Richards, Luke Johnson

Brigham Young, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, Geo. A. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, E. T. Benson, F. D. Richards. Ed. Hunter. T.B. G.D.W. J.A.S. R.B. R.L.C. B.Y. Bro. O. Pratt, has Bro Benson spoken to you about that for which we have met to night No. Well it is this bro. Orson. Your late sermon had like to got into the paper, I want to get an understanding of your views, and see if we see things aright perhaps if I could see it as you Orson does perhaps its all that I could ask, but if not we want to have the matter talked over and laid before the Conference in a manner that we all see eye to eye * * * O.P. . . . If I could get rid of those things which have lingered upon my mind & which I have believed it to be true. The Bre[thren] are at liberty to publish anything that they see proper or at conference. I would like to enumerate items, firstly—preached & publish, that Adam is the fa. of our spirits, & father of Spirit & father of our bodies—When I read the Rev given to Joseph I read directly the opposite—Lord spake to Adam, which Man eventually become Adam's (3 blank lines)

B.Y.: Your statements tonight, You come out to night & place them as charges, & have as many against me as I have you. One thing I have thought that I might still have omitted. It was Joseph's doctrine that Adam was God &c. When in Luke Johnson's at O. Hydes the power came upon us, or shock that alarmed the neighborhood. God comes to earth & eats & partakes of fruit. Joseph could not reveal what was revealed to him, & if Joseph had it revealed, he was not told to reveal it. The Spirit is sent when the mother feels earth, God put it into his mouth, & when god, wanted to translate he had the power. Not a contradictory thing in what I have said.”

Bro. Pratt had the Spirit of God like as all in Pottawatomie & believed when the Revel was given to us. Bro Brigham, said could a being in a telestial or terrestrial kingdom keep a celestial law, is it reasonable to expect such a thing. Orson, it is for you to call the 12 together & do as I have suggested or do as you please. It will be brought before Conference and you will be voted as a false teacher, & your false doctrines discharged. I love your integrity, but your ignorance is as great as any philosophers ought to be. * * * G.A. Smith moved that these items come before the Conference Most of the 12 wished to have it laid before the 12 & not go before the Conference. Bro Brigham, wished the Twelve to take hold & pray with Bro. Orson & have a good flow of the Spirit, & it will go off smooth * * * 11-30 p.m. Prest B. Young, prayed he prayed for Orson Pratt, & prayed feelingly

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