Brigham teaches that he and other Church leaders can and do make mistakes; one should seek personal revelation instead of over-relying on apostles and prophets.
Brigham Young, March 21, 1858, in The Collected Discourses of Brigham Young, ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, 5 vols. (Salt Lake City: The Smith-Pettit Foundation, 2009), 3:451-52
Do I want to save you? Ask that question. But John, what are you doing? Are you not an Elder in Israel? "Yes, I am a High Priest." What is the office of an High Priest? John replies, "I do not know, without it is to whip my wife, knock down my children and make everybody obey me; and I believe a High Priest presides over an Elder." You will find some Elders just about that ignorant. Let me tell you what the office of a High Priest and an Elder is. It holds the keys of the revelation of Jesus Christ; it unlocks the gates of heaven. It opens the broad windows of revelation from eternity. John, what are you about, imagining that I may be mistaken? or that br. Heber may be mistaken? Why do you not open the windows of heaven and get revelations for yourself? and not go whining around and saying, "do you not think that you may be mistaken? Can a Prophet or an Apostle be mistaken? Do not ask me any such question, for I will acknowledge that all the time, but I do not acknowledge that I designedly lead this people astray one hair’s breadth from the truth, and I do not knowingly do a wrong, though I may commit many wrongs, and so may you. But I overlook your weaknesses, and I know by experience that the Saints lift their hearts to God that I may be led right. If I am thus borne off by your prayers and faith, with my own, and suffered to lead you wrong, it proves that your faith is vain. Do not worry. I have opened the subject and I will now sit down and let others unfold a little more. My mind is too full this morning to come to close points. May God bless you. Amen.