Deseret News reprints Heber J. Grant's letter addressing the Church's opposition to attempts to repeal the 18th Amendment.
Heber J. Grant, letter to Elder Henry Smith, May 24, 1933, in Deseret News, May 27, 1933, 39
Dear Brother Smith:
Instead of having my secretary transcribe one of the many sermons delivered by me while visiting the various stakes, to be published in Saturday's News, I have concluded to hand you for publication—and I enclose same herewith—an address entitled "Prohibition," which was printed in the book, "A Late Harvest," by Charles W. Elliot; printed by the Atlantic Monthly Press at Boson in 1924. The address was given before The Economic Club of Boston, March 6, 1923 and reprinted from "The Consensus," official organ of the National Economic League. The italics in the speech are mine. I do not endorse all that President Elliot says.
I am also sending you a statement regarding Alcohol from the pen of Robert G. Ingersoll.
I think that during the present agitation for the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment these two articles are appropriate as any of my recent sermons could possibly be.
Sincerely your brother,
Heber J. Grant