Text of "An Act Conferring Upon Women the Elective Franchise" allowing women over 21 years of age to vote in Utah.
"An Act Conferring upon women the Elective Franchise," Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, 19th session, accessed May 10, 2022
Conferring upon Women the Elective Franchise.
[Approved February 12, 1870.]
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That every woman of the age of twenty-one years who has resided in this Territory six months next preceding any general or special election, born or naturalized in the United States, who is the wife, widow or the daughter of a native-born or naturalized citizen of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at any election in this Territory.
SEC 2. All laws or parts of laws conflicting with this Act are hereby repealed.