Janne M. Sjodahl criticizes "higher criticism" of Bible and BOM in Juvenile Instructor.
Janne M. Sjodahl, "Book of Mormon Facts," Juvenile Instructor 57, no. 5 (May 1922): 244-245
In the Doctrine and Covenants 10:52, we read that the book has been given to the Christian world, to confirm the authenticity of the Bible. In that book, though ignored and almost held in contempt by the majority of Bible students, we have the best possible shield and protection against the bombs and poisonous gases that in our day are being directed against the Christian lines of defence from behind the scenes of so-called "higher" criticism. This "higher" criticism, it is understood, has discovered that the Bible is, mainly, a collection of myths, poetic compositions, and loosely connected, distorted historic data. But now comes the Book of Mormon and proves that Isaiah, for instance, was a true prophet of the Lord, when he predicted that the Book of Mormon would come forth from the ground in the latter days, preliminary to the performance of a great and marvelous work.