David Orr writes to Joseph for information on plates.
Letter from David Orr to Joseph Smith, 14 June 1843, The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed August 11, 2021
In the “Arkansas Times and Advocate” of May 29. we have an Extract of a publication from the Quincy Whig of your State, giving a Summary of an Extraordinary Circumstance which has latly occured near kinderhook in Pike County. It appears, that a Young man by the name of [Robert] “Wiley” a resident of Kinderhook, being promp[t]ed by the pressages of three Succeeding dreams, made the effort, and after penetrating the Mound to which his mind was directed, to some considerable depth “Six brass plates” was found, the Inscriptions, Or hieroglyphics on on which, Could not be deciphered by any one found in Quincy. Consequently they were Sent to— Nauvoo for your Inppection &c &c.— All of which Information, now in your possession, whether rivealed Or, otherwise, I ask at your hands. If published, please send such Papers as contain the Information desired, If not published send such Information as the Circumscribed limits of a Sheet will contain. Any Other Important Entelligence which you may see proper to give, will be Chearfully recd