Valerie Hudson suggests that the Church has "the most revolutionary and feminist doctrine."
Valerie Hudson, "Women in the Church," Faith Matters Podcast, December 29, 2019, accessed June 27, 2023
Aubrey: Right. And just acknowledging that it’s there, that it’s in our theology. I think that’s a gem of our Mormonism, that we believe in this union.
Valerie: We have the most revolutionary and feminist doctrine. Any religion on the face of the earth and what we’ve done with it is simply pathetic. In terms of bringing Heavenly Mother to light, bringing the power of her daughters to light, making sure that the voice of women is heard.
Valerie: I mean, think about who are considered to be the public intellectuals, right? Who write deep books about Mormon doctrine. Aren’t they mostly men? So what prevents us from writing deep, thoughtful books about Mormon theology? Why isn’t one of us writing a book on the theology of the body?