Book of Abraham states Pharaoh was restricted from the priesthood because of lineage.
Book of Abraham Manuscript and Explanation of Facsimile 1, 7–9, The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed July 12, 2021
Now this King of Egypt was a descendant. from the Loins of adam Ham, & was a partaker of the blood of the canaanites by birth, From this descent Sprang all the Egyptians, & thus the blood of the canaanites was prerevd <preserved> in the land. The land of Egypt being fir[s]t discoverd by a woman, who was th[e] daughter of Ham, & the Daughter of Zep-tah Egeptah Egeptaus, <Egyptus> which, in the chaldea, signifies Egypt., which signifies, that which is forbidden. When this woman discoverd the Land it was under water, who after<wards> Settld her sons in it. & thus, from Adam <Ham> sprang that race which preserved the curse in the land. Now the first governmet of Egypt <was> establishd by Pharaoh. the Eldest son of Egeptah’s Egyptes Egyptus, the daugther of Ham, & it was after the manar of the Governmet of Ham, which was Patriarchal. Pharaoh, being a Rightious man, establishd his kingdom & judged his people wisely & justly all his days, seeking earnestly to imitate that order establishd by the fathers in the fir[s]t generation<s>, in the days of the first Patriarchal Reign, even in the reign of adam, & also Noah his father, who blessed him with the blessings of the earth. & <with> the blessings of wisdom,— but cursed him as pertainig to the Priesthood, Now Pharaoh being of that lineage, by which he could not have the right of Priessthood, notwithstadig the Pharaoh’s would fain claim it from Noah, through Ham