Roy A. Welker writes a mission letter instructing missionaries not to discuss politics.
Roy A. Welker, Circular Letter, May 6, 1936, R 58/5686, Bd. 14, NS-Archiv des MfS/ZB I 1123, Bundesarchiv, Berlin, Germany
Missionary Letter No. 13 (MP)
To the Missionaries of the
German-Austrian Mission
Dear Brethren:
This letter is to draw your attention to some very important matters. It appears that some of you have been unwise in them; or you have permitted yourselves to be led into situations and conversations foreign to your calling or your field of labor; or that someone has misrepresented you in your purposes and in the prosecution of your work. It is not improbable that all of these things have happened in some measure. Where such has happened it is our solemn obligation to correct it and to see that it does not happen in the future as far as it lies within our power to prevent it from happening.
The following complaints have been registered against some of the missionaries while conducting their work:
1. Using undue coercion upon people while tracting to get them to accept our tracts. This is contrary to our methods and to the spirit of our work as well as our teachings which say, "we allow all men the privilege to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience, let them worship how, where or what they may."
Brethren, if anyone manifests sensitiveness or an unwillingness to accept any tract you may offer him, which should be done in all kindness and with the greatest of courtesy, you should withdraw from that person and leave him to his peace, and in no wise be a cause of disturbance to him. We have come to the world to bring peace, not strife or unrest. Let us be true to our calling. If some one insists on being disturbed without provocation, excuse yourselves courteously and withdraw from his presence. It is better to be abused than to be an abuser.
2. Talking politics. It is not our province at all to talk politics, to permit ourselves to be questioned about it or to question others about it, or to be led into discussions of political matters. We are not here for any such purposes, and we can assist this government best by refraining from all political discussion or participation. We are bound by our principles and teachings to honor, uphold and sustain the laws of the land. Let us be found doing it 100%. If anyone attempts to draw you into discussion involving politics, let me repeat, you are to resist such temptation. There are those who would make such attempts to entrap you. Remember that they are your enemies and enemies of the government, when they attempt such things. Do not be made victims of evil designers.
3. Running upon the streets with sweaters on marked "Mormonen." The department of secret service has informed us, this cannot be allowed. It is regarded as improper propaganda. We therefore ask that none of you engage in such activity henceforth, or at any time use sweaters with that name upon them anywhere.
Now, brethren, be diligent in every respect in observing the laws of the land. We appreciate the courtesies of the officers of this country and we must do our part to sustain them in their endeavors to help their people, by such means as lie in our hands and in those ways which are proper and appropriate for us. Pray for wisdom and understanding and for the spirit of cooperation and helpfulness, and may our Lord help everyone to bear his task nobly and well.
Sincerely your brother,
Roy A. Welker
Mission President