Appleby writes that he is ashamed to meet a white woman married to a Black man.
William I. Appleby Autobiography and Journal, 1848-1856; MS 1401, entry for June 16, 1847, p. 177, Church History Library
In looking for a Br. in the Church, I called at a House, a coloured man resided there, I set myself down for a few moments presently in came quite a good looking "White Woman, about 22 years old I should think, with blushing cheeks, and was introduced to me as the negro's wife, an infant in a cradle near bore evidence of the fact. Oh! Woman, thought I, where is thy shame, (for indeed I felt ashamed and not only ashamed, but disgusted, when I was informed they were both members of a Church!) [Where is ] Respect for thy family, thyself, for thy offspring and above all the law of God?