James requests Taylor to perform an adoption for her to Joseph and Emma.
Henry J. Wolfinger, "A Test of Faith: Jane Elizabeth James and the origins of the Utah Black community," in Social Accommodation in Utah, ed. Clark S. Knowlton, America West Center Occasional Papers (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, 1975), 126–72, Document 1: Jane E. James to President John Taylor, December 27, 1884 (John Taylor Papers, CHD), 148
Salt L City Dec 27,1884
Pres John Taylor
Dear Brother
I cauled at your house last thursday to have conversation
with you concerning my future salvation [.] I did not explain my
feelings or wishes to you [.] I realize my race & color & cant expect
my Endowments as othe.rs who are white I .. ] My race was handed down
through the flood & God promised Abraham that in his seed all the
nations of the earth should be blest & as this is the fullness of all
dispensations is there no blessing for me [.]
I with my Fathers family came from Connecticut 42 years
the 14th of last Oct[.] I am the only one of my Fathers family that
kept the faith[.]
you know my history & according to the best of my ability I
have lived to all the requairments of the Gospel[.] when we reached
Nauvoo we were 9 in the family & had traveled 9 hundred miles on
foot[.] Bro Joseph Smith took us in & we staid with him until a
few day[s] of his death[.]
Sister Emma came to me & asked me how I would like to be adopted
to them as a Child[.] I did not comprehend her & she came again[.] I
was so green I did not give her a decided answer & Joseph died & [I]
remain as I am[.] if I could be adopted to him as a child my Soul
would be satisfied[.] I had been in the Church one year when we
left the East that was 42 years the 14th of last Oct[.]
Br Taylor I hope you will pardon me for intruding on your
[time?] so much & hope & prey you will be able to lay rny case before
Br Cannon & Br Jos F Smith & God will in mercy grant my reques[t]
in being adopted to Br Joseph as a Child[.]
I remain yor Sister in the Gospel of Christ
Jane E James
Wolfinger, 169n81 reports: "A search of the official letterbooks for John Taylor, held by the Church Historical Department, has revealed no reply to this letter."