David O. McKay approves the policy that baptisms for the dead for Black people be performed by non-Blacks as proxies "if this can be accomplished without offense."
Devery S. Anderson, ed., The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846–2000: A Documentary History (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 2011), 341–342
Temples-Book of Decisions for [Temple) Presidents . . .
Presidents [Hugh B.] Brown and [N. Eldon] Tanner reported to me that they had gone through the manuscript of the proposed book of decisions as prepared by Elders Howard W Hunter, ElRay L. Christiansen
and Alvin R. Dyer, and had marked those items which they felt needed [a] decision by me. The matters were presented and I approved as follows:
(1) Endowment work need not be done for deceased children under eight years of age. . . .
[p. 342]
(6) It was suggested that the ordinance of baptism for members of the negro race be performed by others than negroes if this can be accomplished without offense.