Eight Black Saints perform baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple in 1875.
Colored brethren and sisters, Endowment House, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 3, 1875, also known as "Records of baptisms for ancestors of black LDS Church members," Family History Library, United States & Canada 2nd Floor Film, Film 0,255,498, Image Group Number (DGS) 5266124, Microfilm of manuscript (2 leaves)
[Cover page - backside of Leaf 1]
Colored Brethren Baptisms Friday Sept
S L City Utah
Friday Sept 3
To be recorded by themselves
in separate Book
[from?] whites
[Leaf 1, Heading]
Colored Brothers & Sisters
Endowment House S L. City Utah Sept. 3 1875
[Leaf 1, Table Summary. Officiators listed in table are not summarized]
To be entered in a book by themselves headed
B for the D of the
Seed of Cain
Doc Gillaspie Samuel Chambers Friend
Linsley Be^asley " Son in Law
John Hitt " Friend
Henry Hitt " "
Jordan Beasley " Cousin in law
Jerry Beasley " Friend
Frank Gill " "
Benjamin Pocket " "
Joseph Brooks " "
Tony Beasley " "
Benjamin Lucas " Purdy Tenn "
John Ivey Hewiston Lucas " " "
Robert Lucas " " "
[illegible] Evans " "
Joseph [?] Williams " "
Esther Gillaspie Amanda Leggrone Chambers Daughter in law
Priscilla Beasley Chambers " Husband's wife
Diana Ann McNead Chambers " "
Phillis Gillaspie " 1/2 sister in law
Many Ann Beasley " Friend
Hanna Stevens " "
Emiline Ferguson " "
Creasy Leggrone " "
Nancy Leggrone " "
Lottie Beasley " "
Vinsy Beasley " "
Emily Parks " "
Mary Smith 1851 1869 Annis Bell Lucas Evans Friend
Elizabeth Moore " "
Mary Lucas 1836 Purdy Tenn 1869 " sister
Sarah Lucas — " " – " "
Ellen Lucas 1849 " " 1868 " "
[Leaf 2, Table Summary. Officiators listed in table are not summarized]
Morris Brown Franck Perkins Friend
Jack Lynn Vose South Carolina " Friend
George Green Tennessee " Friend
Jack Vose South Carolina
[illegible] Vose Conn
Susan Brown
Susan Brown Conn Jane Elizabeth Manning Perkins Friend
Maguy Read 1802 " 1867 Susan Gray Leggrone Daughter in Law
Floreday Leggrone Alabama Perry Co. 1868 Husbands Wife
Margret Mack Gaw Daughter
Samuel Read Missisippi 1868 Ned Leggrone Friend
Gdmother Dawney Mary Ann Perkins James Gd Daughter
Aunt Darkons " Niece
" Lousindy " "
" Maria " "
" Leely " "
These are to be entered in a Book by themselves;
the book to be headed
"Record of Baptisms for the Dead [double underlined]
of the
( Seed of Cain" ) [triple underlined]
(of the people of African Descent)