James recorded she performed baptisms for the dead for her ancestors.
"Jane Elizabeth Manning James autobiography," 1902, MS 4425, Church History Library
Oh how I suffered of cold and hunger, and the keenest of all was to hear my little ones crying for bread and I had none to give them. But in all, the Lord was with us and gave us grace and faith to stand it all.[12] I have seen Bro. Brigham, Bros. Taylor, Woodruff and Snow rule this great work and pass on to their reward, and now [we have] Brother Joseph F. Smith. I hope the Lord will spare him—if 'tis his holy will—for many, many years to guide the gospel ship to a harbor of safety, and I know they will, if the people will only listen and obey the teachings of these good, great and holy men. I have lived right here in Salt Lake City for 52 years and I have had the privilege of going into the temple and being baptized for some of my dead.
I am now over eighty years old and I am nearly blind, which is a great trial to me. It is the greatest trial I have ever been called upon to bear, but I hope my eyesight will be spared to me, poor as it is, that I may be able to go to meeting and to the temple to do more work for my dead.
For an annotated transcription, see https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/jane-manning-james-life-sketch?lang=eng