Smith, Picknell, Lindsey, and Leach describe duties of deacons.
Meeting minutes for August 5, 1873 and March 10, 1874, Salt Lake Stake Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1857-1864, 1873-1877; Volume 2, 1873-1877; Church History Library, accessed March 9, 2022
[p. 8] Minutes of a meeting of the Deacon’s Quorum held in the 8th Ward meeting house 5th August 1873 . . .
[ p. 10] Bro. John Smith always esteems it a privilege to be here and in all meetings, said he joined the church when 11 years of age, was ordained a deacon when 15, felt such a power as he had never felt before, he filled that mission with delight, was always at meetings ¾ of an hour before the time, to do his duty and invite the people into seats, this was in Birmingham, was always on hand, was called to preside over the deacons, there was about 50 in the quorum, tried to preside and do my duty, and have all things nice and tidy. Was then called to be a teacher, then a priest and had to each, preach and baptize
[ p. 42] The deacons’ Quorum met pursuant to adjournment in the 8th Ward School-room, Tuesday 10th March 1874, 7 ½ P.M. . . .
[p. 45] Counsellor Picknell said . . . Have your school-house windows clean, be polite, shake hands with the Saints as they come into meetings, it brings a [p. 46] good feeling. . . .
[ p. 46] Bro. Mark Lindsey said . . . How nice it is to see a good boy nice and clean, with clean hands, and hair nicely combed, and walking on his tip-toes, to save making a noise, while finding people seats. A good deal depends on a deacon in making a meeting comfortable. He should be there at least an hour before meeting begins. Have the house nice and clean, not too hot, not too cold. (I’ve brought a boy from the ward I belong to, to be ordained a deacon, to assist me.) Have your sacrament plate clean, a clean table and cloth, and take care to keep it clean, or it will be soon washed away. Then they will say “how nice,” it is a joy and pleasure to come to meeting.” Let the bishop feel he can depend upon you, use your judgement to the best advantage. You assist to make a meeting good or bad. Don’t use bad talk such as “by hell, &c” Listen to Father and Mother, do as they wish you. . . .
[p. 47] Presdt Leach invited all to attend the lesser Priesthood meeting, said we should respect Bishop Hunter, the presiding Bishop. Said he was pleased to see so many boys, they could not be better entertained. Said I love this work. Boys from 10 years and upwards should come and be ordained deacons, they can assist to clean up the house &c. God will respect you that are faithful to your duties.