George K. Bowering provides account of the massacre and the events leading up to it.

Personal Journal / Diary
George K. Bowering

George K. Bowering, Journal, July 1842-January 1875, 230–231, MS 6174, Church History Library

George K. Bowering
Brigham Young, Charles Snow, Joshua Arthur, George K. Bowering, Erastus Snow, Amasa Mason Lyman, P. K. Smith, Charles C. Rich, Isaac C. Haight

. . . in causing the Deaf to hear, the Lame to leap and the Dumb to speak. This shall be thy blessing in the restoration of thy limbs and where. Thy faith is to be extended for the deliverance of others. As to the blessings of the earth they will be given thee with Intelligences for multiplying thy seed. I seal it in the name of Jesus together with Eternal Lives. Even so, Amen and Amen.

Abigail Lea Morley Scribe.

June. This month Bro. P. K. Smith began to prepare for building a Tithing Office in the New City plat (which was located by these: Brigham Young the last times he was at Cedar). At the same time several of the brethren were building houses in the New City.

In the fall about September a company of Emigrants, Gentiles, Men Women and Children, with twelve or fourteen wagons with horse and mule teams, and about 500 head of stock composed of oxen, cows and young stock. They passed through Cedar about noon, bated in town a little over one hour. Report says, That while in Cedar they took wheat to be ground into flour, to the grist mill; the Miller would not grind it unless they would give him a cow (this the counsel of I. C. Haight) this caused some to curse and swear and say hard things about the Mormons. That near Fill-more they had poisoned the waters caused the death of some Indians, which enraged the Red man against them. They passed on to Mountain Meadows about 60 miles south, going to remain there until the soldiers of the United States had driven out the Mormons, and then the members of this company were coming back to locate upon the farms and in the Towns of the Mormons. In a few days they were surrounded by Indians and others, finally cut off root and branch except some sixteen small children that could not tell a tale. These babies were taken by our sisters and allowed to share the comforts of the breast with their own natural babies. The property considerable was brought my might into the Tithing Office cellar, which was sold by auction.

My time in the Tithing Office was from sunrise until sundown. Bro. Joshua Arthur assisted me in settling tithing. At times the Bishop would go down south for weeks together, and I had to attend to all his business.

1858 March, About this time the Bishop was kicked with a horse upon his head, one inch above the left eye, which broke his skull he was laid up some six or eight weeks. Not much business during the summer. Early in the fall, Apostles Amasa M. Lyman, Charles C. Rich and Charles Snow came to Cedar, held meetings to examine how matters stood between the Authorities and People, and to set things right. They also gave public instructions at the church meetings.

My time in the Tithing office was from sunrise until sun down. Bro. Bishop Arthur stayed some in setting tithing. At times the Bishop would go down south for weeks together, and I had to attend to all the tithing business.

1885 March, About this time the Bishop was kicked with a horse upon his head, one inch above the left eye, which broke his skull, he was laid up some six or eight weeks. Not much business during the summer.

Early in the fall Apostles Erastus Snow Dr Lyman Charles C. Rich and Charles Snow come to Cedar, they met to examine how matters stood between the Authorities and People, and to put things right. They also gave public instruction at the church meetings.

About this time report came to me that Bro P. K. Smith was going to change his Clerk, and that he had asked Bishop Arthur again to fill that position he would not accept it.

A few days after, Bro P. K. Smith came into the office. I asked him if the report was true respecting changing his clerk, he said he had some thoughts of doing so, I said what have I done that I should be turned out? He said nothing only I want to change for a little while. I then said that during the time of my clerkship in the office I have done my duty, and acted honorably and I would defy himself or any other person to prove the finer where the if I had acted dishonorably. I said we want no S.C. if and that for the 10 months I had with never yet he wished to make a change, and I wished to remain in the office until he suited himself for a Clerk.

He then left the change it was in two or three days after that he made the change and his accounts since they were sold out of his Desk. What I have heard since that he had done the same thing before his indebtedness unto the Church is only $400.00 he lives upon borrowing most of the time there is also $100.00 subsidy taken he has used that on his account has been kept of it.

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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