Andrew Jenson's corrections to the discussion concerning massacre as found in Hubert Howe Bancroft's History of Utah.

Meeting Minutes / Notes
Andrew Jenson

Andrew Jenson, "Corrections to Bancroft's History" (1880s), as found in the Andrew Jenson Collection, Church History Library, MS 17956, in BYU Studies 47, no. 3 (2008): 58-77

Andrew Jenson
Hubert Howe Bancroft, William C. Stewart, David W. Tullis, John M. Higbee, Joel W. White, William H. Dame, Andrew Jenson, Isaac C. Haight
Latter-day Saints

Bancroft Corrections: Page 550. It was as early as Wednes <Thursday> day or Thursday <Friday> that the emigrants first went into camp at the Meadows Lee was the only white man there in the first attack on Monday, so the Indians said The attackers did not build parapets (Clewes is mistaken abo is mistaken about the distance between the spring where Lee was camped and the emigrant camp.) Bancroft is right Lee was alone on the ground on Tuesday Monday; it is supposed that no other whites were with him—until Wednesday, when Higbees men came up, and also some from the south. (See names in Lees Confession) Besides shooting in the day time two or three night attacks were made during the seige; but it is not known whether any of them were killed or not. Bancroft page 552 B. His contradictory evidence right, but “sufficent proof” matter all wrong. Isaac C Haight nor Dame did not arrive on the ground till morning after <the> massacre, Hamblin’s ranche at the extreme north end of the Meadows The militia was stationed over <nearly> ½ mile from camp, (not 200 yards) militia in single, not in double file,) so that the wagons could pass on the front or west side of them. (When militia was reached, the men halted a little while but the women continued the march after the wagon (two of the wounded men walked along). Here Higbee disobeyed orders in not giving the signal “halt,” which (instead of the word “Do your duty”) was the signal he let the whole pass by the place where, the Indians lay, and the point which had been agreed on as the point of attack. This made the Indians mad, who though[t] T O [turn over] they were going to be deceived, Higbee was there did this in the hope of a last chance to receive orders countermanding the fatal order. Lee after wards scolded Higbee for this delay, After the company had passed about ¼ of a mile further th[an] the point agreed upon Higbee reluctantly almost terrored gave the fatal order “halt,” upon which the Indians, who had been anxiously waiting (see other slip). Some of the militia were not armed (among them Willden) and Benjamin Arthur). Bancroft. page 552. + Wilden says: “Higbee did not obey orders at this point, hoping the orders would be countermanded,” the Indians in the meantime became very uneasy, and kept approaching on all fours, anxious to do their work of destruction while emigrants were allowed to pass by about ¼ mile further that place agreed upon Bancroft 553, “Half an hour later as the women emigrants passing emigrant men stopped a few moments while the women and larg[e]r children moved on, but soon again took up line of march, with militia on the right or east side and emigrants on the west, The killing commenced after the women had passed ¼ mile past the ambuscade, and the killig commenced. as None escaped of those who marched out. Two or three had escaped during the seige some time and had started for California, They were, however, overtaken and killed by Indians on the Muddy traveling on foot towards California. (No Mormons in disguise among those who killed the women. Some of the women are reported to have fallen Page 554, It is supposed that only a <very> few, if any scalps were taken by the Indians. Those <Some of those> who helped bury the dead, remembers nothing of the kind, and are of the opin[io]n that no scalps were taken, and that no bodies were mutilated only so far as it had been done in the killing. Only one child known to be killed, and that was carried not by its father, as Bancroft state, but by a German, who carred somebody elses child. He was known as a German, as he talked lively with some of the militia as he passed along. The wagons was perhaps ½ mile north of where the militia was, at time of killing. Page 555. Lee and associate after killing went to supper at Hamblin’s Ranch being was then nearly sundown. Dead not The dead burried next morning, as spades and other digging implements had to be gathered big [before?] graves could be dug; most of the tools gotten at emigrant camp Some went ho of militia went home the next morning and not back to help bury the dead. Dur[in]g the killing, Wm. C. Stewart disobeyed orders (also Joel White) and ran after some of the emigrants who did not fall at first fire, who run west to escape. Instead of letting the horsemen finish them up as planned Stewart and White ran after them and overtook them several hundred yards from the militia. About three or four only broke and run. Running thus S. Stewart] & White came near getting killed by their comrades, who thought they were T O [turn over] emigrants. They were told to stop to stop by their comrades. The <supposed> reason why the three or four men escaped was that some of the militia men fired in the air, unwilling to kill do the part assigned them. More militia men than emigrant men. Page 556. not horribly mangled nor scalped. The dead not dragged to ravines, but in graves about 3 <to 4> feet deep, lack graves dug right on the spot; about 3 or four in each grave, lack of tools and <very> hard ground prevented graves from be[in]g made deeper. Not true that graves opened by first floods, but wolves may have unearthed some of the [remains?]. It is supposed that all the bodies were unearthed by wolves, even the ones the emigrants buried them- selves in their rifle pits. Page 557 David (not Daniel) Tullis Page 559, The men committing for murder in Camp Floyd were not those any of those who participated in the M.M. affair.

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