John Lee told Anson and Mary Call in October 1857 the Indians were the only culpable party in the massacre—no whites engaged in it. Told Brigham Young the same thing as the Calls previously.

Apr 9, 1877
Anson Call
Scribed Verbatim

Affidavit of Anson and Mary Call, April 9, 1877, as found in "Collected material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1859-1961," Church History Library, MS 2674

William Thurgood
Brigham Young, Mary (Flint) Call, Anson Call, John Doyle Lee
General Public

Anson Call and Mary Call, both of Bountiful, in said county, who being by me first duly sworn, depose and say that in the early part of October, 1857, the late John D. Lee, recently executed for participation in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, called at their residence in Bountiful and remained there over night, and in the evening he said Lee informed the said Anson and Mary Call of the Massacre at Mountain Meadows of the Arkansas company of emigrants the previous month, and then and there affirmed that the said massacre as perpetrated by Indians exclusively and that no white man took part in it. The said Anson Call further deposeth and saith that he inquired of the said Lee whether he had reported the massacre to President Brigham Young when said Lee replied that he had so reported it, and substantially in the same words as he had used to deponents; and, particularly stated, that he had declared to President Brigham Young that not a single white man had taken part in the massacre.

BHR Staff Commentary

JDL told Anson and Mary Call in October 1857 the Indians were the only culpable party in the massacre--no whites engaged in it. Told BY the same thing as the Calls previously.

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