John Doyle Lee claims he sent a messenger to Isaac C. Haight asking for help to stop the Indians from attacking the wagon train further.

John Doyle Lee

John D. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled: Or, the Life and Confessons of John D. Lee (St. Louis: Bryan, Brand & Company, 1877), 225

Bryan, Brand & Company
George Adair, John Doyle Lee, Isaac C. Haight
Reading Public

Our company killed a small beef for dinner, and after eating -a hearty meal of it we held a council and decided to send a messenger to Haight. I said to the messenger, who was either Edwards or Adair, (I cannot now remember which it was), "Tell Haight, for my sake, for the people's sake, for God's sake, send me help to protect and save these emigrants, and pacify the Indians."

The messenger started for Cedar City, from our camp on the Meadows, about 2 o'clock P. M.

We all staid on the field, and I tried to quiet and pacify the Indians, by telling them that I had sent to Haight, the Big Captain, for orders, and when he sent his order I would know what •to do. This appeared to satisfy the Indians, for said they,

"The Big Captain will send you word to kill all the Mericats."

Along toward evening the Indians again attacked the emigrants. This was Wednesday. I heard the report of their guns, and the screams of the women and children in the corral.

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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