Mary S. Campbell shares her recollections of massacre with Andrew Jenson.

Jan 24, 1892
Mary S. Campbell
Scribed Summary

Mary S. Campbell, statement dated January 24, 1892, as found in the Andrew Jenson Collection, Church History Library, MS 17956, in BYU Studies 47, no. 3 (2008): 46-51

Andrew Jenson
Mary S. Campbell, Brigham Young, Philip Klingensmith, John M. Higbee, Andrew Jenson, John Doyle Lee, Isaac C. Haight, Alexander G. Ingram
Andrew Jenson

Jan. 24, 1892 Mary S. Campbell, an aged lady of Beaver resided in Cedar City in 1857 and before the company arrived here they heard how they had poisoned the springs and beefs in passing through Millard County, and <that> this made the Indians mad, that they also brought a herd of cattle along that they intended to take to the Meadows and fatten for the soldiers, hence the people expected what to expect. Before they arrived Prest. Isaac C Haight preached to the people about this and on alluding to their stock, said we ‘wanted some stock and th the intimation was to get the stock away from them. The rumors raised the <ire> ir of people, and they were prepared; when finally company they insulted the people, threatening what they would do, particularly a man on a grey horse was the most loud mouthe mouthed of the lot. No intimation was made at all to kill them. The company simply passed through, and bought some provisions. Then passed on to the meadows, and the report came in that they had stopped there and intended to stop their cattle their, just as they had said they would for the soldiers, One evening Sister Campbell overheard John M. Higbee giving orders to Benjaman Arthur, Elliot Wildon and another young man to go to the Meadows and warn them to move on, as the Meadows belonged to them. They started.

A short time afterward <or about the same time> she saw Isaac C. Smith [Haight], Klingensmith John M. Higbee, John D. Lee, was passed by the end of her house to the Cottonwoods below where the Indians were camped and held a consultation with them. Soon Same evening the Indians squaws came into the fort and the bucks left for the Meadows; the squaws said the Indians were going to kill the “Mericates.” The Indians started at once. After that an Indian messenger came in every day for several days and called on Isaac C Haight, Finally a council was held, Bro Campbe being in that, but he did not tell his wife, and this council resulted in a company starting for the Meadows, numbering about 20 or 25 men. They were gone several days and returned on a Saturday night bringing in some children (perhaps 18 in number) and goods, including wagons, and camping utensils, including skellets milk pans, churns, etc. goods taking to the tithing office; afterwards sold by auction and bought by the people generally. The prosceeds was afterwards, or part of it, brought up to Salt Lake City, and offered to Prest Young, but he refused it as blood money, and the cattle were put in the corall and afterwards Alexander G. Ingram after wards to Salt Lake City to deliver to tithing office, but when Prest Young found out whose stock it was he ordered it turned out on the range, would not have them. wagons and covers, etc, sold also by auction. Lee’s women wore the killed woman’s clothing and jewelry. One girl supposed to be nine years old in the charge, of [blank] Dukes [Samuel Jewkes] who in meeting a man in the fort <Cedar or Harmony> exclaimed: There is the man who killed my father. This girl was afterwards disappeared (hence only 17 given: to Forney. Nearly all the children remained in Cedar and Harmony. Dukes had 2, Mrs. Ingram 1, Lee 2 at least and the rest in other famil[i]es. Afterwards delivered to J<acob> Forney. After the massacre the teachers were sent around enjoining upon the people to keep their mouths closed Example: If you see a dead men laying on your wood pile dead, you must not tell but go about your business. The people of Cedar was aware of the white’s being guilty and hence causioned to be caref silent from the first. The <reports> reaching Cedar daily about the progress in the Medows leaked out occasionally, among other things how the emigrants were in their rifle pits, and one woman killed when coming out to milk her cow After Haslem had returned to Cedar, he told in public what Prest Young had told him to spare no horesflesh <change horses> but hurry on and tell Haight to let the emigrants pass and not molest them.

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