Grand Jury Subpoena for Brigham Young to testify at John Doyle Lee's trial on the side of the prosecution.

Feb 25, 1875
Speech / Court Transcript
Jacob S. Boreman

Grand Jury Subpoena, February 25, 1875, as found in the Second District Court John D. Lee Criminal Case File, 1874-1877, Box 4 Folder 65 as found in the Criminal Case files number 31, District Court (Second District) Criminal Case Files, Series 24291, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, Utah

Jacob S. Boreman
Brigham Young, Henry Young, Benjamin Bachman, McCan Young, George R. Maxwell, Jacob S. Boreman, James Wilkins, John Doyle Lee
Brigham Young

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE TERRITORY OF UTAH Beaver County, Subpoena The People of the Territory of Utah send Greeting to McCan Young, Henry Young, Brigham Young WE COMMAND YOU, That all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you appear and attend before The Grand Jury of the Second Judicial District Court of the Territory of Utah, at a term of said Court to be held at the Court House in Beaver City on the 5th day of April A.D. 1875, at 10 o’clock A.M., then and there to testify in Said District Court, on the part of the People and disobedience will be punished as a contempt by the said Court. WITNESS, Jon. Jacob S. Boreman Judge Of the Second Judicial District Court in and for Utah Territory, this 25th day of Feby. A.D. 1875 ATTEST, my hand and the Seal of said Court the day and year last above written. James R. Wilkins Clerk. By Deputy Clerk I hereby certify that I Subpoenad on the 20 day of March 1875 the within named McCan Young, Henry Young and Brigham Young by reading to them the within contents at their Residences in Juab County Utah Territory Geo R. Maxwell U.S. Marshal By Benj Bachman Deputy U.S.M Fees $25.00

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