Affidavit of Bishop Philip Klingensmith ("Klingonsmith") concerning the massacre.

Apr 10, 1871
Philip Klingensmith

Affidavit of Bishop Philip Klingensmith, April 10, 1871

Philip Klingensmith
Philip Klingensmith, William H. Dame, Isaac C. Haight
General Public

. . . about two days after said company had left said Cedar City, Lieutenant-Colonel I.C. height expressed in my presence, a desire that said company might be permitted to pass on their way in peace; but afterward he told me that he had orders from headquarters to kill all of said company of emigrants except the little children; I do not know whether said headquarters meant the Regimental Headquarters at Parowan, or the Headquarters of the Commander-in-chief at Salt Lake City . . . after the fight had been going on for three or four days, a messenger from Major Lee reached Cedar City, who stated that the fight had not been altogether successful, upon which Lieutenant-Colonel height ordered out of a re-enforcement; at this time I was ordered out by Captain John M. Higbee, who ordered me to muster, ‘armed and equipped as the law directs it;’ it was a matter of life or death to me to muster or not, and I mustered with the reenforcing troops; it was at this time that Lieutenant-Colonel Haight said to me that it was the orders from headquarters that all but the little children of said company were to be killed; said Haight had at that time just returned from headquarters at Parowan, where a military council had been held . . . at the time of the firing of the first volley I discharged my piece; I did not fire afterward, though several subsequent volleys were fired; after the first fire was delivered I at once set about saving the children; I commenced to gather the children before the firing had ceased . . . on the evening of the massacre, Colonel W.H. dame and Lieutenant I.C. Haight came to Hamblin’s, where I had the said children and fell into a dispute, in the course of which aid Haight told Colonel Dame, that, if he was going to report the killing of said emigrants, he should not have ordered it done . . .

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