Brigham Young tells his nephew that, if the government attacks, the people will be ready and respond.

Sep 4, 1857
Brigham Young
Scribed Verbatim

Brigham Young, Letter to John R. Young, September 4, 1857, CR 1234 1, Church History Library

Thomas Bullock
Brigham Young, John R. Young
John R. Young

The Government have collected 2 two regiments of Infantry, and one of Dragoons with 2 batteries of artillery, and placed the army under command of that blood-thirsty old villain Genl Harney with orders to come to Utah and regulate the “Mormons” This has been done without investigation or even taking into consideration our own reports, or looking at any circumstance which would withdraw the pretext which they have for years been seeking, to make a final or fatal blow at the kingdom.

We had determined years ago, if a mob again attack us, whether led by their own passions, or unconstitutionally legalized by the General Government or government of any of the States or Territories that will resist their aggressions; by making an appeal to God and our own right arms, for that protection which has ever been denied us by "Christianized" and civilized" (s) nations. Our former determination remains unshaken

BHR Staff Commentary

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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