John Doyle Lee, in a letter to Brigham Young, writes that the emigrants poisoned the animals and Indians to be blamed for the massacre.

Nov 20, 1857
John Doyle Lee

John D. Lee to Brigham Young, November 20, 1857, CR 1234 1, Chruch History Library

John Doyle Lee
Brigham Young, William H. Dame, John Doyle Lee
Brigham Young

Dear Sir my Report under May 11th 1857 relative to the Indians over whom I have charge as Farmer Showsed a friendly relation between them & the whites, which doubtless would have continued to increase, had not the white man, been the first aggressor! As was the case with Capt. Fancher’s Co. of Emigrants passing through to California, about the middle of Sept, last, on corn creek 15ms. South of Filmore city. Milliard county. The co. there poisoned the Meat of an ox which they gave the Pah van, Indians to eat, causing 4 of them to Die, immediately besides Poisoning a number more the co. also Poisoned the water where they Encamped, killing many of the catle of the Setlers; This unguided Policy planed the wickedness by this c. raised the Ire of the –Indians, which soon spread through the southren Tribes fireing them up with revenge till Blood was in their Path & as the breach, according to their tradition was a national one, consiquently any Portion of that Nation was liable to attone for that offense; about the 22nd of Sept, Cap Fancher's & co, fell victims to their wrath near Mountain Meadows, their catle & Horses Shot down in every direction their waggons & property Mostly comitted to the flames & had they been the only ones that suffered we would have less cause of complaint. But the following co, of near the same sise; had some of their men shot down near Beave City & had it not been for the interposition of the citizens, at that Place, the whole co would have been masacreed, by the enraged Pahvants, from this Place they were protected by Military fource by order of Col. W.H. Dame through the Territory besides providing the co with Intepreters, to help them through to the loss vagus [Las Vegas] on the Mudy Some 3 to 500 Indians attacked the <co> while traveling & drove off Several hundred head of catle, telling the co that if they fired a single gun that they would kill every soul; the Interpreters tried to regain the stock or a Portion of them by Presants but in vain--The Indians told them to mind their their own business or their lives would not be safe! Since that occurrence no co has been able to pass without Some of our Interpreters, to talk & explain matters to the Indians.

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