Indictment for Murder issued against William H. Dame.

Sep 24, 1874
Speech / Court Transcript
David P. Whedon

Indictment for Murder (against William H. Dame), September 24, 1874 in Record Group 60: General Records of the Department of Justice in the Source Chronological Files (Letters Received, 1871 - 1884, Entry A1 56), box 1015, file: Mountain Meadows Massacre Letters, 1874-1877, National Archives and Records Administration

J. R. Wilkins
David P. Whedon, William Carey, William H. Dame
William H. Dame

The Grand Jurors of the People of the United States of America in the Territory of Utah within and for the Second Judicial District of said Territory, good and lawful <men>, residents thereof, duly selected, drawn summoned, impaneled, sworn and charged, within and for the Second Judicial District aforesaid in said Territory, in the name and by the authority of the people aforesaid, upon their oath find and present that William H. Dame, late of the County of Iron, Territory of Utah, at Mountain Meadow Valley, on the 16th day of September eighteen hundred & fifty seven, did, force and arms, in and upon the body of a certain man whose name is wholly unknown to the jurors aforesaid, in the peace of the Territory of Utah, then and there being feloniously, deliberately, premeditatedly, wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did make an assault on that the said William H. Dame a certain gun, then and there charged with gunpowder and leaden bullets, which said gun he and the said William H. Dame in his right hand then and there had and held, then and there feloniously, deliberately, premeditatedly, wilfully and of his malice aforethought did discharge and shoot <off> to, against and upon the person so unknown to the jurors aforesaid; and that the said William H. Dame with the leaden bullets aforesaid out of the gun aforesaid, then and there by force o the gunpowder aforesaid, then and there feloniously, deliberately <premeditatedly, wilfully> and of malice aforethought, did strike, penetrate and wound him, the said unknown person aforesaid, in and upon the body, the precise part thereof is to the jurors, aforesaid wholly unknown of him, the unknown man aforesaid, giving to him the said unknown man, then and there, with the leaden bullets aforesaid, so as foresaid discharged and shot out of the gun aforesaid by the said William H. Dame in and upon the body of the aforesaid person, whose name is wholly unknown to the jurors, the precise part of said body where said wound took effect is unknown to said jurors aforesaid, one mortal wound of the depth of six inches deep and one half inch in breadth of which said mortal wound, he the said person unknown to the said jurors aforesaid, then and there instantly died; and so the jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid, do say that the said William H. Dame him the said person so unknown as aforesaid, in the manner and by the means aforesaid feloniously, deliberately, premeditatedly, wilfully and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder. All of which is contrary of the stature of the Territory of Utah in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the people of said Territory.

BHR Staff Commentary

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