Hawley's recollection of the Fancher Company and a conversation with Lee after the massacre.

John Pierce Hawley

Autobiography of John Pierce Hawley, Community of Christ Archives. Transcription taken from David L. Bigler and Will Bagley, eds., Innocent Blood: Essential Narratives of the Mountain Meadows Massacre (Kingdom in the West: The Mormons and the American Frontier volume 12; Norman, Oklahoma: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 2008), pp. 109-110

John Pierce Hawley
John Pierce Hawley, John Doyle Lee, Isaac C. Haight
Reading Public

We left Provo and drove for our home in the south. We travailed 150 miles and then overtook the Company that was masacred at Mountain Meadows and we travailed in company with them 3 days and we discovered that they was pretty much all men of famileys and had a quite large drove of cattle all going to locate to California. The captain of the Company told me that they had some trouble with the Mormons in two of their settlements. Salt Creek being one and Provo being the other. He said, "We have a Dutchman with us, a single man, and he has given us all the trouble we have had. He would not obey orders but was sassy with officerss in these places and it all originated by our cattle being grazed on here herd ground, but we intend to observe the laws and rules of the territory." I am satisfied the Saints gae them more trouble than they ought. Well we left this camp as we travailed faster than they did. By the time we got home which by the way was called Washington [Utah,] Jno D Lee and other officials was having their interpreters stirring up the Indians to commit hostilities on this Camp of emigrants, but however they landed safe in their destined stopping place, Mountain Meadows. Here they were to wait till the other Co[mpany] came up and then were both travel together from here, but alas they met with dead by the Indians and whites. Worse than all their fate come unto them after they Surrendered and gave up their arms according to report. To say least of this tragedy, it must have been heart rending to those that witnessed and helped to do the deed. Here, let me say I took a bold stand against this masacree, which there is some here in Iowa and a great many in Utah that can bare witness. I remember well a conversation I had with J.D. Lee in Cedar City, Iron Co[unty, Utah,] on the subject of this masacree and I told him in the presence of Isaac Hait's son-in-law and family with Bishop Gardner and a few others, that he kneed think for a moment that he could face the Judge at the last day with a clear conscience before God if half that is reported that he did were true. He said he had received more persecution from me about that mountain affair than all the rest and he wished me to understand that he would look for a reward in heaven for my persecuting him. I told him if I had accused him wrongfully he might, but not without the conversation ended with a mad Spirit in him.

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