Edward Tullidge writes what he heard and experienced during Mountain Meadows Massacre.

Edward W. Tullidge

Edward W. Tullidge, Tullidge's Histories, 2 vols. (Salt Lake City Juvenile Instructor's Office, 1889) 2:72-73, 160

Juvenile Instructor
John Cradlebaugh, Edward W. Tullidge, Brigham Young, William H. Dame, George A. Smith, Joseph E. Cardon
Latter-day Saints, Reading Public

December 8th I was elected clerk of the Representatives, Territorial Legislature which convened in Fillmore that day. A resolution having passed, changing its sessions to Salt Lake City, the Legislature adjourned to the latter city, arriving there on the 14th. After its adjournment I started on my return to Parowan on January, 19th 1857 the snow being about two feet deep, and got home on the 28th. April the 6th I was elected alderman in Parowan city by a unanimous vote. June 28th, 1857, I was appointed captain of topographical engineers, Nauvoo Legion. August 2nd receiving news of the approach of the U. S. army, Col. Dame reorganized the militia of the Iron Military District, comprising nine companies, appointing me regimental adjutant. From this time we drilled constantly, I being drill-master. Geo. A. Smith arrived August the 6th, having been appointed general in command of Southern Utah. He proceeded on a tour through the settlements, with Col. Dame and myself, organizing and inspecting the militia of the district, September 4th four of us went scouting in the mountains, expecting to meet a detachment of U. S. dragoons, and were gone eight days. On my return I heard that Indians had killed a company of emigrants at Mountain Meadows in revenge for the death of six braves poisoned by the emigrants at Corn Creek some time previously. Another company following the first applied to Col. Dame for help, and was furnished by him with five Mormon interpreters, to help them through the Indian country, which they succeeded in doing, but with much difficulty. March 19th, 1858, Amasa Lyman arrived as military commander of Iron District. Up to this date I had been constantly drilling our troops in all the settlements. April 23rd, 1858, I started exploring in the desert with Col. Dame and a party of sixty men. Our object was to find a place of refuge for the people of Utah, who were to move south, and burn everything behind them. I left my house, expecting never to see it again, but that my family, after burning it, would meet me in the desert; but I did so cheerfully. We were absent on this expedition until the last of July, and explored a large part of what is now Nevada, suffering considerably at times for want of water. At one place we discovered a great cave which we explored for three quarters of a mile without finding its terminus. The Indians said it led into the interior of the earth, and where people lived as we do on the outside; they were afraid to venture in. I was historian of this expedition and made a map of the country. President Young having made a treaty of peace with Gen. Johnston and the U. S. Army, we were released to return to our families. August 2nd, I was elected county surveyor for Iron County. September 18th 1858, I surveyed Summit, on Summit Creek, and about the same time surveyed Fort Johnson. Nov, 5th, I went to Camp Floyd, and sold my pony and saddle for a good wagon and load of yokes, chains, etc., and a fine yoke of oxen. On my return home I nearly perished with cold in sight of my house, and was speechless when rescued. Jan. 14th, 1859, I was again elected alderman for Parowan, and reappointed notary public. May 2nd, 1859, a large force of infantry and cavalry and Judge Cradlebaugh passed south through Parowan and proceeded to the Santa Clara, remaining there some time while they endeavored to arrest many prominent Mormons for alleged rebellion against the government. Quite a number, myself included went to the hills until danger was passed. Although President Buchanan had pardoned us, we could not trust Judge Cradlebaugh, knowing we could not get a fair trial. The soldiers made many threats, said they would make the country a desert, hang the men, take the women, and do as they pleased. But they returned to Camp Floyd very humble and peaceful being hastily summoned back to Camp Floyd by Gen. Johnston . . . While at Camp Floyd the company to which Mr. Cardon belonged was detailed to go south to meet the United States pay-master, who was en route under escort from California to Utah. They marched as far as Santa Clara River, where they met the pay officer and escorted him to Camp Floyd. Judge Cradlebaugh was with the escort going south. He went out to investigate the matters connected with the horrible massacre, which was perpetrated at Mountain Meadows in 1857.

BHR Staff Commentary

Discussion of MMM as found in Edward W. Tullidge's popular "Tullidge's Histories," published by the Juvenile Instructor's Office

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