In a sermon, Orson Hyde speaks of the death penalty for those who steal in 1853.

Speech / Court Transcript
Orson Hyde
Scribed Verbatim

Orson Hyde, "Sanctification—Economy—Apostates—The Wolves and the Sheep." April 9, 1853. Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: F.D. and S.W. Richards, 1854), 1:72-73

L.D. Saints' Book Depot
Orson Hyde
Latter-day Saints

If you say that the Priesthood or authorities of the Church here are the shepherd, and the Church is the flock, you can make your own application of this figure. It is not at all necessary for me to do it.

It is all the same to me whether they want to destroy the flock, or destroy, steal, and carry off the property of the flock. If you steal my team, which is my means of living, you might just as well kill me at once. It is like this—"Brother Hyde, I will not disturb, molest, or harm you, or any of the rest of your brethren; but we will take you out on the bleak and comfortless prairie, and leave you there to starve or freeze to death, and take possession of your property." You might as well destroy us at once as take us where we should starve. It would be much better to take our heads off at once than to subject us to a lingering death. Says the Apostle, to the flock over which the Holy Ghost had made him overseer—"The time will come when grievous wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock, and even of yourselves will men arise speaking perverse things to draw disciples after them." &c.

I will tell you a feeling that I have ever cherished, though some may think I speak contrary to my real sentiments; because in certain circumstances I spoke in defence of a certain individual, which heaven knows whether he be guilty or innocent. Perhaps my zeal carried me beyond mediocrity, if it did that will be overruled for my good, for it may show me who among my friends are my enemies. At the same time my feelings are these—the best way to sanctify ourselves, and please God our heavenly Father in these days, is to rid ourselves of every thief, and sanctify the people from every vile character. I believe it is right; it is the law and practice of our neighbouring state to put the same thing in execution upon men who violate the law, and trample upon the sacred rights of others. It would have a tendency to place a terror on those who leave these parts, that may prove their salvation when they see the heads of thieves taken off, or shot down before the public.

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