John Taylor decries the Mountain Meadows Massacre as "diabolical."

Apr 10, 1874
John Taylor

John Taylor, Letter, April 10, 1874, rep. "Utah and the Mormons. Letter VI," Deseret News 23, no. 11 (April 15, 1874): 5

Deseret News
John Taylor
Reading Public

I now come to the investigation of a subject that has been harped upon for the last seventeen years, viz.: The Mountain Meadows Massacre. That bloody tragedy has been the chief stock in trade for the above named time, for penny-a-liners, the press, and pulpit, who have gloated in turns, and by chorus, in the sickening details. Do you deny it? No. Do you excuse it? No. There is no excuse for such a relentless, diabolical, sanguinary deed. That outrageous infamy is looked upon with as much abhorrence by our people as by other parties, in this nation or in the world; and at its first announcement, its loathing recital chilled the marrow and sent a thrill of horror through the breasts of the listeners. It was most certainly a horrible deed; and like many other defenceless tragedies, it is one of those things which cannot be undone. The world is full of deeds of crime and darkness; and a question often arises, who is responsible therefor? It is usual to blame the perpetrators. It does not seem fair to accuse nations, States and communities of deeds perpetrated by some of their citizens unless they uphold it.

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