Brigham writes to Kane. He had no knowledge of massacre until after the fact and the very thought of massacre makes him ill.

Dec 15, 1859
Brigham Young

Brigham Young, Letter to Thomas L. Kane, December 15, 1859. Letter, Letterpress Copybooks, 5:326, Church History Library

Brigham Young, George A. Smith, Thomas L. Kane
Thomas L. Kane

Neither yourself, nor any one acquainted with me, will require my assurance that, had I been apprized of the intended onslaught at the Meadows, I should have used such efforts for its prevention as the time, distance, and my influence and facilities would have permitted. The horrifying event transpired without my knowledge, except from after report, and the recurring thought of it ever causes a shudder in my feelings. It is a subject exclusively within the province of judicial proceedings, and I have known and still prefer to know nothing touching the affair, until I in common with the people, learn the facts as they may be developed before those whose right it is to investigate and adjudicate thereupon. Colonel, you may think this is a singular statement, but the facts of the massacre of men, women, and children are so shocking and crucifying to my feelings, that I have not suffered myself to hear any more about them than the circumstances of conversation compelled. But since some are prejudicially obtruding that affair upon public notice, and it appears uncertain when it will be better understood, unless we are privileged with sound, intelligent adjudicators who, when claiming exclusive authority, will strictly adhere to the law and evidence, I have taken the liberty to transcribe, and herewith enclose, a letter addressed to me by Col. George A. Smith upon the subject. Col. Smith is, and was at the time a Legislative Councillor from our southern counties, and has had the opportunity of hearing many of the rumors afloat in that region. So far as I am able to judge, amid a few conflicting rumors I have suffered to be obtruded upon my feelings, I presume that Col. Smith’s accompanying condensation, from the various reports he deemed most worthy of notice, is the most reliable that can be obtained, until such time as the matter can receive an impartial judicial investigation. Such investigation could long since have transpired, and the matter been thoroughly understood and justly disposed of, did we enjoy the court privileges which we deem the Organic Act so plainly grants us.

BHR Staff Commentary

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