Brigham Young believes mistreatment of Indians led to their violent behavior towards emigrants and others.

May 1859
James Lynch

James Lynch, Affidavit (May 1859), Microfilm File 39. U., Letters Received, 1859, Office of the Adjutant General, U.S. Department of War, RG 393, National Archives and Records Administration

James Lynch
Brigham Young, Ira Hatch, James Lynch, David W. Tullis, John Doyle Lee

We continued our journey to the Meadows passing through Painter Creek and Cedar City—The scene of the massacre is a broad, level meadow, encompassed by a chain of hills—the Emigrants had been harassed by bands of men, whom they supposed to be Indians, during their journey from Cedar City to the Meadows, and here made a corral of their wagons for defence—The corral was near a spring, which is the source of a small stream running through the plain. Words cannot describe the horrible picture which was here presented to us. Skeletons, bones, sculls, and the hair of women, were scattered in faithful profusion over a distance of two miles; three mounds partially exposing the remains of some of the murdered, indicated the careless attempt that had been made to bury them, we remained two or three hours at the Meadows and occupied ourselves in burying the uncovered remains of the massacred. We then went on to the man Hamblins, a Mormon, in whose possession the children were, we found them in a most wretched condition, half starved, half naked, filthy, infected with vermin, and their eyes diseased from the cruel neglect to which they had been exposed—after a three days <stay> at Santa Clara, where clothing was made for the children, we returned with Hamblin and 10 of the children to Cedar City, there got two more, and another at Painter Creek. When we passed through Beaver City some of the Mormon men hooted at the children and called them the survivors of Sevastopool and Waterloo. Among the children are three who retain a very vivid impression of much connected with the massacre—a very intelligent little girl, named Becky Dunlop, pointed out to me at Santa Clara, an Englishman, named Tellus [Tullis], whom she says she saw murder her father, and that Hamblins Indian boy killed her two sisters. Both she and a boy named Miram [Emberson Milum Tackitt] recognized dresses and a part of the jewlery belonging to their mothers, worn by the wives of John D. Lee, the Bishop of Harmony. The boy Miram also identified his fathers oxen, which are now owned by Lee. The two oldest boys told me that after they had been fighting for eight days—four of which, they were in the corral, and had been cut off from water, Bishop Hight of Cedar City came into the corral, and told the emigrants that the Indians did not want anything but their cattle, and if they would lay down their arms their lives would be spared—They did so—and started to go to Santa Clara, where they were attacked by a mixed party of whites and Indians—and all killed save the children—The boy Miram stated, tat after the massacre was over, he was the Bishop of Coal Creek washing the paint from his face which he had used to disguise himself as an Indian—The man Hamblin seemed perfectly conversant with the circumstances of the massacre, and told me that at one time he had a good many of the cattle in his possession. A Mormon named Ira Hatch also told me that he found the only man that escaped, about one hundred miles from the Meadows—persuaded him to return with him, but <when? They had gone about 40 miles, the Indians murdered him in his presence. There were 18 wagons and 82- head of cattle and 143 persons in the train—It is supposed there was also a great deal of money, as the Mormons say it was the richest train that ever crossed the plains--

BHR Staff Commentary

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