Wilford Woodruff records Brigham Young distinguishing between blood which is "innocent" and "not innocent."

Apr 15, 1856
Personal Journal / Diary
Wilford Woodruff

Wilford Woodruff, Journal, April 15, 1856, MS 1352, Church History Library

Wilford Woodruff
Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, Thomas Bullock, George Albert Smith
Wilford Woodruff

15th I met with President B. Young at his office with G. A. Smith & T. Bullock. Red Church History to him. I am about getting inniciated into my office as assistant Historian. While reading the revelation upon the patriarchal marriage & While reading that paragraph relating to the sheding of innocent Blood President Young remarked that that was a vary nice point to distinguish between innocent Blood & that which is not innocent. Were we now Commanded to go & avenge the Blood of the prophets whare it wood reach infants from the Cradle to the third & forth generation would they know what to do in such a case they would not. But their is one thing that is a consolation to me And that is I am satisfied that the Lord will not require it of this people untill they become sanctifyed & are led by the spirit of God so as not to shed inocent Blood.

BHR Staff Commentary

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