James Henry Carlton's 1859 claim that two Native Americans reported to federal investigators they carried a letter from Brigham Young ordering them to kill those in the Fancher train.

May 25, 1859
Government Document
James Henry Carleton

James Henry Carlton, Letter to Maj. W. W. Mackall, May 25, 1859, House Doc. No. 605, 57th Cong., 1st Sess., 9

U.S. House of Congress
Brigham Young, James Henry Carleton, William Whann MacKall
William Whann MacKall

It is said to be a truth that Brigham Young sent letters south, authorizing, if not commanding, that the train should be destroyed. A Pah-Ute chief, of the Santa Clara band, named ‘Jackson,’ who was one of the attacking party, and had a brother slain by the emigrants from their corral by the spring, says that orders came down in a letter from Brigham Young that the emigrants were to be killed; and a chief of the Pah-Utes named Touche, now living on the Virgin River, told me that a letter from Brigham Young to the same effect was brought down to the Virgin River band by a man named Huntingdon, who, I learn, is an Indian interpreter and lives at present in Salt Lake City.

BHR Staff Commentary

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