Governor Alfred Cumming Addressing the Nature of the Amnesty after the Utah War.

Jul 24, 1858
Government Document
Alfred Cumming
Scribed Verbatim

“One Week later from Utah: The Entrance of General Johnston into Salt Lake City—Proclamation of Governor Cumming, &c,” New York Herald, July 24, 1858, 5

New York Herald
Alfred Cumming, James Buchanan, Brigham Young, John Hartnett, Thomas L. Kane
Reading Public

Washington, June 23, 1858

The War Department has received the general order of General Johnston to the army on entering Great Salt Lake City, dated June 25. The army was to enter the day after. General Johnson orders that no one shall leave the ranks, that the herds should be prevented form trespassing on the fields, and that everything be conducted in good order.

[Correspondence of the St. Louis Republican.]

Great Salt Lake City, June 26, 1858.

The Mormons remain at Provo yet, not wishing to bring their females near the soldier boys. They are living there, the majority at least, in tents, in tents, whilst their comfortable houses in this city remain vacant, with all the doors and windows boarded up. None of the Gentiles can obtain house room either for dwellings or for store purposes. This is particularly hard on the merchants who have brought out large stocks of goods. No reason is assigned by the Mormons for this dog-in-the-manger policy except, as they say, they want first to see what the army will do and where it will locate. As yet none have been able to procure sleeping apartments except the Governor, Secretary, Marshal and Commissioners, and even most of them had for a while to sleep in their wagons. Many of the merchants arrived in the city to day.

Some of their statements which appear in the papers are not strictly correct; for instance, it is reported that Governor Cumming represented on leaving for his first trip to this city that he would not take an escort, and had not had an understanding with Brigham Young whereby he should not be molested, and that he did have both an understanding and an escort. This last assertion is untrue. The Governor had neither an invitation nor an understanding with Young. Colonel Kane used his utmost endeavors to dissuade him from so hazardous an undertaking, yet go he would, saying that he had been directed by the President to go, and that he would try it; and only after this expression did Colonel Kane make up his mind to return to Salt Lake City. The first meeting of the Mormons thereafter indicated anything but a quiet reception to Governor Cumming, but he persevered and really made peace, if such has been made, with just such conditions as was agreed upon by the Commissioners. Another account of about fifty Mormons having been killed by Indians is incorrect, though about four weeks ago three white persons were killed by them.

Governor Cumming has issued the following proclamation to the inhabits of Utah:--

A. Cumming, Governor of Utah Territory, to the inhabitants of Utah and others whom it may concern:--

Whereas James Buchanan, President of the United states, at the city of Washington the sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, did by his proclamation offer to the inhabits of Utah who submit to the laws “a free and full pardon” for all treason and sedition heretofore committed; and whereas the proffered pardon was accepted with the prescribed terms of the proclamation by the citizens of Utah—

Now, therefore, I, Alfred Cumming, Governor of Utah Territory, in the name of James Buchanan, President of the United states, do proclaim that all persons who submit themselves to the laws and to the federal government are by him “freely and fully pardoned” for all treason and sedition heretofore committed; and all criminal offences associated with or growing out of the overt acts of sedition and treason are merged in them, and are embraced in the “free and full pardon” of the President.

And I exhort all person to persevere in a faithful submission to the laws and patriotic devotion to the constitution and government of our common country.

Peace is restored to our Territory.

All civil officers, both federal and territorial, will resume the performance of the duties of their respective offices without delay, and be diligent and faithful in the execution of the laws.

All citizens of the United States in this Territory will aid and assist the officers in the performance of their duties.

Fellow Citizens—I offer to you my congratulations for the peaceful and honorable adjustment of recent difficulties.

Those citizens who have left their homes I invite to return, as soon as they can do with propriety and convenience.

To all I announce my determination to enforce obedience to all the laws, both federal and territorial.

Trespasses on property, whether real or personal, must be scrupulously avoided.

Gaming and other vices are punished by territorial statutes with peculiar severity. I commend the perusal of those statutes to those person who may not have had an opportunity of doing so previously.

Hereunto I set my hand, and cause the seal of the Territory to be affixed, at Great Salt Lake City in the Territory of Utah, this fourteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and of the independence of the United states the eighty-second.

A. Cumming

By the Governor—John Hartnett, Secretary

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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