John Doyle Lee's judgment and sentence.

Oct 10, 1876
Speech / Court Transcript
Jacob S. Boreman
Scribed Verbatim

"Judgement and Sentence," October 10, 1876 in Criminal Case files number 31, District Court (Second District) Criminal Case Files, Series 24291, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, Utah

Jacob S. Boreman
Jacob S. Boreman, John Doyle Lee
John Doyle Lee

The People of the United States in the Territory of Utah,} vs.} John D. Lee, impleaded with} Defendant.} Sentence and Judgement The defendant herein, John D. Lee, having been by the verdict of the jury duly convicted of the crime of murder in the first degree as appears by the record thereof, and thereafter on this day been <on motion of the U.S. District Attorney> duly arraigned at the bar of this court, in open session of the court, for sentence, and having been by the court asked whether he had anything to say why judgment should not now be pronounced against him the defendant <thereupon> made answer that he had nothing further to say: and said defendant then at this option, asked the court that <he> be executed by being shot. Thereupon the court pronounced the following judgment and sentence:--The judgment of the court is therefore, that you be taken hence to a place of confinement within this Territory; that you there be safely kept in confinement, until Friday the 26th day of January, 1877; that between the hours of ten o’clock in the forenoon and three o’clock in the afternoon of that day, you be taken and in this District be publicly shot until you are dead, and may Almighty God have mercy upon your soul.

BHR Staff Commentary

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