Arrest Warrant for Isaac C. Haight.

Jan 28, 1884
Speech / Court Transcript
Joshua L. Thomas
Scribed Verbatim

Arrest Warrant for Isaac C. Haight, January 28, 1884, Utah State Archives and Records Service

Joshua L. Thomas
Joshua L. Thomas, Eli H. Murray, James MacCarthy, E. I. Sforague, Isaac C. Haight
Isaac C. Haight

Territory of Utah,

Executive Deaprtment.

Eli H. Murray, Governor of the Territory of Utah,

To His Excellency, the Governor of the Territory of New Mexico

IT APPEARING TO ME, That one Isaac C. Haight stands charged with the crime of Murder committed in the County of Washington ^(Kane)^ Territory of Utah, (as evidence of which a certified copy of the indictment forced against said Iaac C. Haight; the warrant for his arrest, and the affidavit of E. I . Sforague, is hereunto attached); and which indictment, warrant and affidavit are certified to be authentic. And it also appearing that the said Isaac C. Haight — — — has fled the Territory of Utah, and is believed to be within the limits of the Territory of New Mexico.

Now, Therefore, in the name and by the authority of the People of the Territory of Utah, and in virtue of the rights and privileges secured and guaranteed by the Laws and Constitution of the United States. I do hereby demand and require of His Excellency, the Governor of the Territory of New Mexico that he cause the said Isaac C. Haight — — — to be surrendered and delivered up to the justice of the Territory from which he has fled, if to be found within the jurisdiction of the Territory of New Mexico.

And I have appointed, and do by these presents constitute and appoint James Mac Carthy as the Agent of the Territory of Utah to receive and convey back the said fugitive, to be delivered into the custody of the United States Marshal — without expense to the Territory of Utah.


Witness, my hand and the Great Seal of Utah Territory, at Salt Lake City, this Twenty Eighth day of January, A.D. 1884

Eli H. Murray, Governor.

By the Governor:

Joshua L. Thomas, Secretary of Utah.

BHR Staff Commentary

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