David P. Whedon believes only with Federal assistance can there be a fair trial and guilty brought to justice.

Dec 14, 1874
David P. Whedon

David P. Whedon to George H. Williams, December 14, 1874, in Richard E. Turley, Janiece L. Johnson, and LaJean Purcell Carruth, eds., Mountain Meadows Massacre: Collected Legal Papers, 2 vols. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2017), 1:328-29

David P. Whedon
David P. Whedon, George H. Williams
George H. Williams

It will be impossible to bring these parties to justice unless some assistance is rendered by the Federal authorities. You are aware that attornies fees are very limited under United States fee bill—These trials will probably occupy when entered upon many weeks and perhaps months—The present fee Bill will not pay one attys bond while conducting the Trial—Every obstacle will be thrown in the way, by the Mormon Leaders, that can be to prevent a full exposure—I have examined nearly twenty persons by the G. Jury who denied knowing anything about it—One man denied every thing—said he was not there—And the next witness Testified to facts sufficient for the jury to indict him—There are nine persons indicted of this class & as many more can be indicted if the necessary means can be furnished—There are also many cases of Larceny now pending on Indictments and new cases frequently occurring We need an appreciation for this Dist especially—The Jurors Witnesses in many cases reside from fifty to one hundred miles from Beavor city where the court sits—but a very small portion within twenty miles. We shall also need some little change in the jury Law—It is difficult to get a Pettit Jury to convict when Mormons are interested in Poligamy & adultery cases—Mormons will swear on being empannelled that they have no prejudice and will find a verdict according to evidence. I tried a case for adultery Last week—I proved the first marriage by two witnesses who were present—and two separate acts of Adultery by two witnesses and the charge of the court was favorable to a conviction—The deft offered no evidence and Yet the Jury were a majority Mormon & they acquitted in two hours deliberation—I moved for a new trial but the court held than acquittal was final . . .

BHR Staff Commentary

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