Laban Morrill gives testimony at Lee trial about what he heard in the Cedar City Council.

Sep 14, 1876 - Sep 20, 1876
Speech / Court Transcript
Laban Morrill
Scribed Verbatim

Laban Morrill Testimony, Witness for the Prosecution at Second Trial of John D. Lee September 14 to 20, 1876, online at Mountain Meadows Association, accessed January 16, 2024

Mountain Meadows Association
Laban Morrill, Brigham Young
Jury for the Trial of John D. Lee

HOWARD - Mr. Morrill, the court directs that you state what was done at that Council?

A:. As I said, there appeared to be some confusion in that Council. I inquired in a friendly way what was up. I was told that there was an emigrant train that passed along down to near Mountain Meadows, and that they had made threats in regard to us as a people - said they would destroy every d--d Mormon. There was an army coming on the south and north, and it created some little excitement. I made two or three replies in a kind of debate of measures that were taken into consideration, discussing the object, what method we thought best to take in regard to protecting the lives of the citizens. My objections were not coincided with. At last we touched upon the topic like this: We should still keep quiet, and a dispatch should be sent to Governor Young to know what would be the best course. The vote was unanimous. I considered it so. It seemed to be the understanding that on the coming morning, or next day, there should be a messenger dispatched. I took some pains to inquire and know if it would be sent in the morning. The papers were said to be made out, and Governor Young should be informed, and no hostile course pursued till his return. I returned back to Fort Johnson, feeling that all was well. About eight and forty hours before the messenger returned - business called me to Cedar City, and I learned that the job had been done, that is, the destruction of the emigrants had taken place. I can't give any further evidence on the subject at present.

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