Albert, an Indian boy who lived with Jacob Hamblin's family shares details about the massacre.

May 10, 1902
Government Document
Albert Hamblin
Scribed Verbatim

James Henry Carleton, Special Report of the Mountain Meadow Massacre, 57th Congress, Session 1, 4377 H.doc.605, May 25, 1859 (May 10, 1902 reprint), 6

U.S. House of Congress
Albert Hamblin
General Public

John and I could see where the Indians were hid in the oak bushes and sage right by the side of the road a mile or more on their route; and I said to John, I would like to know what the emigrants left their wagons for, as they were going into “a worse fix than ever they saw.” The women were on ahead with the children. The men were behind. Altogether ‘twas a big crowd. Soon as they got to the place where the Indians were hid in the bushes each side of the road the Indians pitched right out onto them and commenced shooting them with guns and bows and arrows, and cut some of the men’s throats with knives. The men run in every direction, the Indians after them, yelling and whooping. Soon as the women and children saw the Indians spring out of the bushes they all cried out so loud John and I heard them. The women scattered and tried to hide in the bushes, but the Indians shot them down; two girls ran up the slope toward the east about a quarter of a mile, John and I ran down and tried to save them; the girls hid in some bushes. A man, who is in an Indian doctor, also told the Indians not to kill them. The girls then came out and hung around him for protection, he trying to keep the Indians away. The girls were crying out loud. The Indians came up and seized the girls by their hands and their dresses and pulled and pushed them away from the doctor and then shot them. By this time it was dark, and the other Indians down by the road had got nearly through killing all the others. They were about half an hour killing the people from the time they first sprang upon them from the bushes.

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