George R. Maxwell and Jerome P. Cross issue arrest warrant for Philip Klingensmith on charge of participating in massacre.

May 6, 1875
Speech / Court Transcript
George R. Maxwell

Arrest Warrant for Philip Klingensmith, May 6, 1875 in from Minute Book B, 1869-81. District Court (Second District) Minute Books, Series 5319, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, 574

George R. Maxwell
Philip Klingensmith, Jerome P. Cross, George R. Maxwell

In the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the Territory of Utah. Territory of Utah,} County of Beaver} ss. The People of the United States in the Territory of Utah: to the United States Marshal of Said Territory, or to any Sheriff, Constable, Marshal or Policeman in said Territory: An indictment having been found on the 24th day of September, 1874, in the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, charging Philip K. Smith with the crime of Murder. You are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest the above named Philip K. Smith, and bring him before that Court to answer the said indictment. Given under my hand, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 6th day of May, A.D. 1875. By order of said Court. James R. Wilkins, Clerk. Endorsed: “Filed July 17th, 1875. James R. Wilkins, Clerk.” “Territory of Utah, County of Beaver} ss. I hereby return the within warrant, and have the within named Philip K. Smith in my custody, dated July 18th, 1875. Geo. R. Maxwell. U.S. Marshal. By Jerome P. Cross, Deputy.”

BHR Staff Commentary

Arrest warrant for Philip Klingensmith

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