Brigham Young informed Isaac C. Haight he deserved to be hanged for his participation in the massacre.

Jul 21, 1914
George F. Gibbs
Scribed Summary

George F. Gibbs, affidavit, July 21, 1914 in the Collected material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1859-1961, MS 2674, Church History Library

Salt Lake County Court
Brigham Young, George F. Gibbs, Isaac C. Haight
General Public

George F. Gibbs, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That in the fall of 1868, while at Green River, Wyoming, waiting for teams to come from Salt Lake City, he met a man there who had just come from Salt Lake City, who told him what he had heard about the mountain meadow massacre, and how that President Young and other Church leaders were said to have been implicated in it, which the man believed; that soon after his arrival in Salt Lake City, he was employed by President Brigham Young as a clerk in his office, boarded with one of his families, and slept in his private office; that late one night during the winder of 1868-9, President Young dictated a letter in answer to one received by him from Isaac C. Haight, in which Haight described the terrible state of his mind as a result of his participation in the massacre; and that this he did in the hope of getting some expression of sympathy from President Young; that the answer dictated to affiant by President Young to Isaac C. Haight was extremely short and curt, expressed in the following language: "A rope fastened around your neck, attached to a tree, and you strung up two or three feet above the ground would prove salutary medicine for you." That this latter was duly signed by Brigham Young and mailed to Isaac C. Haight.

BHR Staff Commentary

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